Two women standing in front of a hedge with their arms around each other and smiling at the camera

Our Board

Our Board works to ensure that we are fulfilling our legal and statutory obligations. You can find out more about our Board members below. 

Our Board

Nigel Burton 

Retired Actuary, International Advisor and civil servant, Nigel from Cheltenham has a knowledge of how the NHS works in respect of cancer and genetics, following his own diagnosis with prostate cancer in 2010.  He is interested in NHS finances and how new initiatives are implemented. 


As an active member and trustee with other local and regional voluntary organisations, he said: “I’m frustrated by NHS IT which is often a barrier to good patient experience.  I have had many contacts with the NHS, both good and bad.  I’d like to help improve the experience of other patients.” 

John Lane 

Before joining the Healthwatch Gloucestershire Local Board, former project manager John volunteered with us, taking part in regular community engagements, visiting local health and care organisations, and is currently a lay member representing Healthwatch in the Gloucestershire NHS Hospitals Trust ‘Fit for the Future’ programme.  He said: “I’ve seen the real difference we can make to the quality of services by listening and reporting on people’s experiences, and this has reinforced my understanding of the importance of lay representation at a senior level in Gloucestershire.” 


John is a regular user of local health services due to a number of chronic conditions. He added: “My care has been excellent, and I literally owe my life to the cardiac team at Cheltenham General Hospital who treated me after a couple of separate cardiac incidents.” 

Maggie Powell 

Bob Lloyd Smith

Helen Gentles