
Meet the team

Find out more about our staff and volunteers

Chief Executive - Kevin Peltonen-Messenger

Kevin is CEO of The Care Forum, which delivers the Healthwatch Gloucestershire contract, as well as other Healthwatch contracts across the region and provides other services in the voluntary sector, such as social prescribing and advocacy. 



Our staff

Lucy White - Healthwatch Gloucestershire Manager

Lucy leads and manages the work of Healthwatch Gloucestershire.  She guides and supports the Healthwatch Gloucestershire Board to ensure our work programme addresses the health and care needs of local people in the context of local and national health and care priorities and developments.  She manages our engagement team and oversees the work of our volunteers, to encourage public involvement and participation in the monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of health and social care services.  She promotes the value of listening to patient and public feedback and represents the views of local people to those responsible for health and care in Gloucestershire to inform decisions about service development and improvement.​ 


Beth Foster - Integrated Care Systems Engagement Officer

Beth has joined us to focus on understanding how well health and care services join up in the ‘One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System’, which brings together health, social care, public health and other public, voluntary and community sector partners. 


Suzie Compton - Engagement Officer 

Suzie’s role is to seek out and listen to the people who live in Gloucestershire, to hear their experiences of using health and care services, then collate the feedback and use this to look for trends and themes of the key messages.  These will then be fed into the commissioners and providers of the services to make sure that local people’s experiences influence how services are managed and provided. 
